Yes, that is a worm in that apple, keep reading.
This is probably not a word you associate with insurance. The 800 numbers, websites and shady agents have really done a number on our industry’s reputation. They have successfully commoditized a complex legal contract with “Name Your Price” tools, “Born Online” slogans, “15 Minutes could save you 15%” and all the rest. While a few companies have also focused ads on their claims service, for the most part, our industry has followed the desire of many to chase the lowest rate.
Don’t get me wrong, I want to pay less than I do and as my own agent, if I find a company that can save me money I am prone to go with them. Insurance companies don’t tend to reward customer loyalty so there’s really no harm in looking around and switching companies. But in the switch I can tell you that 80% of my conversations start with the potential client telling me that they want an “apples to apples” comparison. But what if your apple has a worm in it? Do you want me to recreate the worm too? When I say that it generally takes a moment to sink in, then they relax and listen to my questions and explanations about appropriate levels of coverage. After we decide on the right coverage, then we shop for the best rate.
When our clients leave the office they often remark about how we saved them X amount of money, that happens a lot. But some clients leave paying more because they never had the right coverage in their lives and no agent ever sat down with them long enough to find out who they are, what they value, what they need to protect and how to do that. These clients are the ones who send us the most referrals because we have finally helped them understand why they might want the coverage that we are offering.
This is the service of a real insurance agent. Any monkey can answer the phone and take your order. At Brukhouse Insurance we are not order takers, we are risk advisers. Our clients come to us because they will save money, they will understand the coverage they are buying and they appreciate our level of attention to their needs. It will be a shame if our agency’s culture continues to fade. If you want to know how we can really help you protect what you have worked so hard for, call us and see for yourself.
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