No matter what kind of motor vehicle you drive, the right auto insurance policy can help get you back on the road quickly if your car is damaged or destroyed by accident, fire, theft, or other covered events.
Insurance companies can vary in rates and offered coverage quite a bit. We help you by explaining available options and enabling you to make an informed decision about what you need based on what you value.
Some coverages to be mindful of are:
In Colorado the state requires a minimum of 25/50/15. The first number is per person medical. The second is per accident medical and the third is for property damage. These minimums have not changed since they were implemented in 1968. We recommend higher limits for everyone. Depending on your financial picture we may recommend much higher limits.
Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist
This one covers your injuries should the other driver be at fault and not have enough or not have any insurance. The limit cannot be higher than your liability limits which is another reason to purchase higher liability coverage.
Medical Payments
This will pay out regardless of fault for anyone in your vehicle.
This is also called physical damage coverage for your vehicle. If you have a loan, it will be required by the bank. If you don’t have a loan and the value of the vehicle is low, you may decide not to carry this coverage. We have a calculation that helps in this decision. If the cost of the coverage is equal or greater than 10% of the value of the vehicle less the deductible, then you may be better off putting that money aside rather than paying for this insurance.
Towing, Rental Reimbursement, Loss of Use, Replacement Vehicle and Dismemberment are some other optional coverages that may be of interest to you. We can talk you through all these options, compare premiums with various companies and help you make an informed decision.